The Make Good Inner Circle
WHAT’S NEXT with Melissa McFarlane
You’re ready to stretch. To grow. To dream beyond. You’re ready for a new challenge.
You’ve been invited, Because there’s more for you to do; and so much more you have to share; because, you have yet to make your most satisfying mark.
The paradox of being human is that we work so hard pursuing comfort, only to find that comfort alone does not make us happy.
Comfort actually makes us restless.
Human happiness is built on consistent challenge and reward; it is found in personal expansion through meaningful connections and values in action.
“Personal growth” by itself is a shallow pursuit. It’s only in the context of the whole, of helping each other to thrive, that we can truly expand ourselves.
Intuitively, we know this. We yearn to engage with something bigger, outside of ourselves, in order to find ourselves and be, do and have more.
This hunger starts when we’re born…and it never stops.
If we fail to recognize it, to nurture it and to feed it always, we stop being happy.
So, how do we get back to that original spark of potential and promise that is still there, sputtering under the status quo?
We ignite it, feed it, and spread it, together.
Here’s how…
What Does the Make Good Inner Circle Offer?
High Level Private Coaching
Meaningful Connections
Private Small Group Getaways
A Year of Growing and Learning

Parker Bennet
Beyond Melissa, the group is a phenomenal resource. I’ve gotten invaluable feedback and ideas from each and every member, and it’s been great to have a safe space in which to share thoughts, challenges, and new ideas. Also, a great many in the group have become clients, or we’ve traded services.

Nina Storm
I want to thank you for a very valuable, educational and motivating 3 days! Going into it I was struggling psychologically with “giving up” my weekend, since I tend to give myself a lot of unstructured, down time on the weekends (and as you observed I did have some dips in energy). However, by Monday morning I felt more energized than I imagined I would.

Leah Vincent
I also enjoy working with this program
because the mindset and beliefs, an area I struggle with, are threaded throughout the four focus areas. I have felt that the mindset work is practical and to the point; something I found lacking in other programs.
Program Features
The paradox of being human is that we work so hard pursuing comfort, only to find that comfort alone does not make us happy.
Comfort actually makes us restless.
What is my NEXT STEP?
The next step is to tell us a little more about you and your goals. Then, you’ll schedule a private call with Melissa to discuss together if the Inner Circle is right for you.

Melissa McFarlane, Founder
The Make Good Company
About Melissa McFarlane
Melissa McFarlane is an internationally-recognized coach with over 30 years of experience in executive, business, and personal coaching.
Using proven whole-life and business coaching techniques, Melissa consistently demonstrates an uncanny, intuitive genius for removing barriers and cutting through personal and professional roadblocks to allow real emotional, mental, and practical breakthroughs to occur.
In Make Good Company experiences and programs (“What’s Next” with Melissa McFarlane, Make Good Masterclasses, and The Make Good private coaching Inner Circle), Melissa helps accomplished people to break free from limiting beliefs and grow beyond comfort with the status-quo, so they can achieve their deepest desires and make good on the whole promise of their talents, experience and dreams.