Learn to turn leads into high paying clients and overcome your fear of sales forever.
One Skill Changes Everything: Do you know how to have a sales conversation that reliably closes leads and puts $10,000 or more in your pocket right away? Master the one skill that can revitalize your business and your life.

Live and Online: Saturday, April 27th at 8:30am PDT

Price: $47 $10 (with limited time promo code CCN10)

The Breakthrough Virtual Workshop
Learn to turn leads into high paying clients and overcome your fear of sales forever.
One Skill Changes Everything: Do you know how to have a sales conversation that reliably closes leads and puts $10,000 or more in your pocket right away? Invest just one day into mastering the skill that can revitalize your business and your life.

Live and Online: Saturday, April 27th at 8:30am PDT

Price: $47  $10 (with limited time promo code CCN10)

Just Some of Our Happy Clients

Before this bootcamp, I never could say, “I’m excited about doing sales calls.” Now I look forward to jumping on the phone. I know with each call that I make, I’m one step closer to reaching my goals!

Cat Miggs

Professional Actor, Vice Squad: NYC, Star's Gotta Show

Working with Melissa, I was able to streamline my sales cycle and build a confident sales plan that even I could follow. I wouldn’t be moving forward this fast or this productively without her!

Erin Smilkstein, MA.Ed.

Author: Your Amazing Itty Bitty Prospect-to-Profit Lead Generation Book

I learned a reliable, repeatable, step-by-step procedure for closing sales with clients I love and a schedule I control. I tripled my income within 8 months (from mid 5 figures to 6 figures), and most importantly, learned to believe in myself and my ability to help the world.
Andreas Kraemer

CEO, Elite Business and Life

“I run my business so completely differently than I did last year – I can’t stress that enough. I used to NEVER have a plan for anything. I just flew by the seat of my pants, hoping for the next client to come along. I couldn’t predict income. I had no control over anything. And I was often broke. Now, I feel like a different person. I created packages that put me in the driver’s seat of my business, I streamlined my services and processes, I nailed my sales call ability (easily selling $5k packages over the phone), and I started charging literally TRIPLE what I used to charge. So now I work with fewer clients who are all the most amazing people, and I feel 100% centered in my zone of genius. My goal this year is to surpass 6 figures… and guess what? I have a plan that makes that a goal a ‘when’ not an ‘if’. I wholeheartedly recommend CSE to anyone who wants to build a successful creative business.”
Krista Walsh

Founder and President, Krista Walsh Copywriting, LLC

CSE showed me how to build the entire foundation of my 7 figure business, I became a 6 figure in business in 2 years and developed all of my programs and came up with my name for my company. I learned how to sell my courses, I started to price my packages at a rate that scared me, and I set up the business systems that I am still using 8 years later! Because of CSE, I have made well over 7 figures in revenue, I have an amazing brand, I am attracting high-end clients.
Valorie Hubbard

Professional Actress and Founder, The Actor's Fasttrack

Sales: The Essential Skill

Highly Skilled? Paid Too Little?

Our years of experience with creatives has shown us that their biggest roadblock is that they have not mastered sales. Too many creative entrepreneurs have skills that they fail to monetize simply because they don’t know how to ask for the kind of compensation they really want and need. To convert leads into high-paying clients you need four things: a reliable sales script, a way to overcome objections effectively, the confidence to ask for what you’re really worth, and most importantly: practice!

Spend one day honing these skills with our sales experts and learn exactly how the pros convert leads into clients that are happy to pay you more than you have ever imagined.

Sales: The Essential Skill

Highly Skilled? Paid Too Little?

Our years of experience with creatives has shown us that their biggest roadblock is that they have not mastered sales. Too many creative entrepreneurs have skills that they fail to monetize simply because they don’t know how to ask for the kind of compensation they really want and need. To convert leads into high-paying clients you need four things: a reliable sales script, a way to overcome objections effectively, the confidence to ask for what you’re really worth, and most importantly: practice!

Spend one day honing these skills with our sales experts and learn exactly how the pros convert leads into clients that are happy to pay you more than you have ever imagined.

I'm Melissa McFarlane

I'm Melissa McFarlane

CEO of Creative Successful Entreprenuers

Are you comfortable asking someone for ten thousand, twenty thousand, or more for a program or service you offer?  Do you know how to have a sales conversation that will close leads into high paying contracts that get you paid upfront for more than you ever imagined earning? If you aren’t, isn’t it time you learned?

If you’re like most creative entrepreneurs, you are freelancing, taking gigs as they come, or struggling to build a business out of your core skills. You’re probably not comfortable having the $10,000 conversation. You’d like to have a real, consistent form of income that pays you what you’re really worth, and a stream of revenue that isn’t solely dependent on the number of hours you work. And you can have all these things. You just need to learn how to ask for them.

The one thing that can change everything for you, that can transform your business and your life, is to master the art of the sales conversation, a conversation that will reliably convert the right leads into lucrative contracts that will pay you what you are really worth, and allow you to be paid more for your time than you ever imagined.

In just one day, we can save you all the trial and error and teach you exactly what you need to do to convert your prospects into clients that are a perfect match for your skills. You’ll get proven sales scripts, training in how to overcome the most common objectives, practice sessions with  a skilled sales coach facilitating, coaching on how to tap into a sales mindset, training on how to ask for the compensation you really need to serve your clients well, and much, much more.

For any creative entrepreneur, this is an experience not to be missed!

Enroll in the Convert Clients Now Virtual Bootcamp and you’ll learn:

  • 3 surprising things you must believe in order to sell.
  • How to create an irresistible “Heighten the Hunger Statement” that will get prospects to inquire more about your business. 
  • How to craft an offer that will close leads into a high paying offer that pays you what you’re really worth.
  • The little known real reason you need to have a sales conversation, and how to turn that conversation into a happy client.
  • The perfect offer to put in front of your prospect.
Plus, you’ll get our proven sales script, a $1,500 value, absolutely free.

Enroll in the Convert Clients Now Virtual Bootcamp and you’ll learn:

  • The 3 surprising things you must believe in order to sell.
  • How to create an irresistible “Heighten the Hunger Statement” that will get prospects to inquire more about your business. 
  • How to craft an offer that will close leads into a high paying offer that pays you what you’re really worth.
  • The little known real reason you need to have a sales conversation, and how to turn that conversation into a happy client.
  • The perfect offer to put in front of your prospect.
Plus, you’ll get our proven sales script, a $1,500 value, absolutely free.

And you'll get...

  • Training in how to overcome the most common objections.
  • Practice sessions with experienced sales coaches that will allow you to perfect your pitch.
  • Access to a network of like-minded creative entrepreneurs.
  • The exact step-by-step sales process that I teach my high-level clients to successfully move prospects from interest in their services, to happily paying well for those services.
  • My blueprint for totally comfortable, honest, high-care sales conversations, including specific scripts and tips on how to deal with objections, so that prospects are THANKING YOU, while confidently paying you what you’re worth. 

And you'll get...

  • Training in how to overcome the most common objections.
  • Practice sessions with experienced sales coaches that will allow you to perfect your pitch.
  • Access to a network of like-minded creative entrepreneurs.
  • The exact step-by-step sales process that I teach my high-level clients to successfully move prospects from interest in their services, to happily paying well for those services.
  • My blueprint for totally comfortable, honest, high-care sales conversations, including specific scripts and tips on how to deal with objections, so that prospects are THANKING YOU, while confidently paying you what you’re worth. 

Meet Your Bootcamp Creator – Melissa McFarlane

A Leader in the Industry

Dear Creative,

I want to save you years of trial and error, struggling, and frustration, by showing you EXACTLY what I and so many of my clients did to create our business success. These are strategies that are custom-made for the creative mindset, learning style, and lifestyle.

I’ve helped hundreds of talented people — gifted coaches and teachers, designers, actors, writers, singers, copywriters, photographers, videographers, stylists, graphic designers, and many others — double, triple, and quadruple their earnings in record time — all while doing what they love. It would be my honor to help you do the same!

And, I’ve personally trained my team of coaches in this exact methodology, so you always have access to the best support possible.

YES, you can have a thriving business using your unique creative talents AND have all the money, time and fulfillment you desire! Ready to make it happen?

— Melissa McFarlane CEO and Founder of Creative Successful Entrepreneurs

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