Build Your List Now!

Proven strategies to add thousands of leads almost overnight.

Invest one day in this virtual list-building workshop, and learn how to fill your marketing list with excited, engaged leads that are eager to buy what you have to offer.

Live and Online: Saturday, June 15th

8:30am-5pm PST

Price: $47 Use limited time promo code BUILDLIST and pay only $10!

Build Your List Now!

Proven strategies to add thousands of leads almost overnight.

Invest one day in this virtual list-building workshop, and learn how to fill your marketing list with excited, engaged leads that are eager to buy what you have to offer.

Live and Online: Saturday, June 15th

8:30am-5pm PST

Price: $47 $10 (with limited time promo code BUILDLIST)


Are you stumped about how to build a list of a warm leads who are ready to buy your services at the right price?



Are you stumped about how to build a list of a warm leads who are ready to buy your services at the right price?


Build your list. Get your message heard.


How do you go from scratch to a list of thousands of warm leads that are highly engaged, and interested in exactly the kinds of services you offer? Many people spend years just trying to get a list of 500 people who are are happy to engage with your marketing efforts.

What if you could learn everything you needed to know to build your list to five thousand, ten thousand, or even more in just one day?

You can! Come to this comprehensive, intensive virtual workshop, and walk away with all the skills you need to build a huge, highly interested audience practically over night!

The Build Your List Now! Virtual Bootcamp delivers key strategies that are guaranteed to help you grow a loyal tribe that becomes a cash-generating machine:

  • METHODS TO BUILD YOUR LIST FAST – Top 10 List-Building Strategies to Attract an Active, Loyal List Quickly
  • ACTION PLAN & TIMELINE TO CALM CHAOS – In What Order, and When to Take Action to Build Your Tribe
  • YOUR FIRST OFFER – The Best Offer to Put in Front of Your New List in Order Serve Them Well While Making Bank

Plus, a special List Nurture Blueprint, a $500 value, absolutely free.

You can transform your creative business when you finally learn the right way to build your list with these powerful tools:

  • Networking
  • Workshops & Speaking
  • Facebook Groups
  • Social Media Giveaways
  • List Swaps
  • Podcasts, Blogs & Articles
  • Giveaways & Summits
  • Event Sponsorships
  • Joint Ventures
  • Click Ads

Who is this Bootcamp For?

Hard-working, under-earning creative business owners/entrepreneurs, artists, coaches and other creative service providers who have a passion for their work, but haven’t been able to attract enough interest in their offers and create a thriving income and life.

What Will You Get?

Hands-on coaching, training & small group experience with like-minded creative entrepreneurs to create a stable and growing 6+ figure income from a business they adore, by learning to build a strong, large list quickly, filled with interested, activated prospects, positioned to be happy buyers.

Everything you need to get started fast.

In just one day, this virtual bootcamp will give you all the support and hands-on training you will need to build a marketing machine.

Hands-On Training

Personalized coaching, training & small group practice with like-minded creative entrepreneurs and list building experts.

Technical Support

Simple, low-tech approach to building your marketing list with proven methods guaranteed to grow your audience.

25 Years of Experience

We’ve been teaching marketing and business building for over twenty five years. Come learn from the pros.

Just Some of Our Happy Clients

I have complete confidence in my REAL TIME ability to get someone on the phone or my list or both. Also my invite email is rocking and I am confident of its ability to connect.

Jason Gardner

President, Radical Shift Coaching

I’ve been bragging about you and your workshop to anyone who will listen! I wanted you to know that I made over $6000 on my business over the last few days. I credit you with really helping me change the way I think about, brand, and how to market my business. Your bootcamp made all the difference. Thank you!
Laura Lundy-Paine

CEO, Blue Panther Productions

I was struggling with finding a larger audience to offer my program to. Now I am able to reach out to a whole new pool of potential clients I’d never considered – and have it seem completely natural to do so.

Gina Blitstein

Founder, Shine a Light Marketing

I didn’t have a business, name, packages, offers or anything else before CSE. Just an idea. 2 years later I can support myself (through a pandemic) and it’s incredible. I hit my first income goal and I’m on my way to the next. I’m incredibly fulfilled because I can help people, see their results and make others around me build a business.

Kristina Kury

CEO & Founder, Sprout Creative

I learned a reliable, repeatable, step-by-step procedure for closing sales with clients I love and a schedule I control. I tripled my income within 8 months (from mid 5 figures to 6 figures), and most importantly, learned to believe in myself and my ability to help the world.

Andreas Kraemer

CEO, Elite Business and Life

I took away so much from this bootcamp about the marketing pathway, how to price packages, how to close sales and how to build a path to that ultimate conversion. Now I’m much clearer on how to build an effective, high-converting funnel. And, I realized that what I learned can be applied to any business.
Tanya Mitra

CEO, Your Empowered Revolution

Fear Marketing No More!

Learn how to build your list like the pros.

Saturday, June 15th: 8:30-5:00 PST

Price: $47 Use limited time promo code BUILDLIST and pay only $10!


Sign Up Now!

Fear Marketing No More!

Learn how to build your list like the pros.

Saturday, June 15th: 8:30-5:00 PST

Price: $47 Use limited time promo code BUILDLIST and pay only $10!


Sign Up Now!

We’ve been helping creative entrepreneurs
thrive for over twenty-five years

If you’re like most creative entrepreneurs, you are freelancing, taking gigs as they come, or struggling to build a business out of your core skills. You’d like to have a real, consistent form of income that pays you what you’re really worth, and a stream of revenue that isn’t solely dependent on the number of hours you work.

We show creatives the business skills they need to start, run, and grow their businesses. CSE’s bootcamps are designed to pack years of business school theory into short, intensive workshops that focus on practical applications, formatted specifically for creative entrepreneurs.

In just one day, we can save you all the trial and error and teach you exactly what you need to do to build a list of happy, engaged leads that are a perfect match for your skills. We pour twenty five years of list building experience into you over just a single day. For any creative entrepreneur, this is an experience not to be missed!

Meet Your Bootcamp Instructor – Melissa McFarlane

A Leader in the Industry

Dear Creative,

I want to save you years of trial and error, struggling, and frustration, by showing you EXACTLY what I and so many of my clients did to create our business success. These are strategies that are custom-made for the creative mindset, learning style, and lifestyle.

I’ve helped hundreds of talented people — gifted coaches and teachers, designers, actors, writers, singers, copywriters, photographers, videographers, stylists, graphic designers, and many others — double, triple, and quadruple their earnings in record time — all while doing what they love. It would be my honor to help you do the same!

And, I’ve personally trained my team of coaches in this exact methodology, so you always have access to the best support possible.

YES, you can have a thriving business using your unique creative talents AND have all the money, time and fulfillment you desire! Ready to make it happen?

— Melissa McFarlane CEO and Founder of Creative Successful Entrepreneurs